Locker Room Monitors
Register with USA Hockey as a Volunteer. Complete SafeSport training and Background Check (SafeSport is free and Eastside Tigers will reimburse you for the Background Check).
1) Complete USA Hockey Volunteer Membership Registration:
2) Complete USA Hockey SafeSport Training:
3) Complete Background Screen:
4) Email us, your Coach and your Manager with your USA Hockey number and let us know SafeSport and Background Screen is completed.
We appreciate your efforts!

Locker Room Monitor Policy
Thursday, September 28, 2023
Mid Am District “Locker Room Monitor Policy”
Below is the new policy approved at the Thursday, September 28 Mid Am District board meeting to go into effective immediately for all teams and associations in the Mid Am District.
Locker Room Monitor is required any time players are in a locker room (games or practices)
1. All locker room monitors must be listed on the team’s official roster
a) The Head Coach listed on the team’s roster is the default locker room monitor unless otherwise documented
b) If an assistant coach or volunteer is the locker room monitor, the locker room monitor’s name must be circled on the score sheet
2. Co-ed teams must have a gender appropriate locker room monitor for each locker room
3. If a single player is present, the locker room should be monitored by at least 2 adults until additional players arrive
4. A Locker Room Monitor must be documented (circled if possible) on all score sheets